Blog & Itineraries



According to an article in American Association of Retired persons (AARP) since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, public health officials around the globe have zeroed in on one action to slow the spread of the virus: social distancing. But now, some experts are swapping that phrase for another that they say more accurately defines the concept.
“We’re changing to say ‘physical distance,’ and that’s on purpose because we want people to still remain connected,” Maria Van Kerkhove, an epidemiologist with the World Health Organization (WHO), said at a recent WHO press conference.

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Mushroom Appreciation

Mushroom Appreciation

Graham County is one of the most wonderful spots on the East Coast of the United States to see mushrooms, lichens, mosses and ferns. All year long the mountains and valleys are filled with beauty, but you have to train yourself to look. For years, I hiked the trails and explored the stream banks and reveled in the birds, the trees and especially the wildflowers. Then I was introduced to my first wild-foraged mushroom by a friend of mine from Asheville, Mr. Alan Muskat. Alan came up to my property and led a mushroom hike to seek as many different mushrooms as we could find. I was astounded and fascinated. They were everywhere I looked!

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Delayed Harvest in Graham County

Delayed Harvest in Graham County

Love to fish for trout and looking forward to fishing in Graham County? Graham County contains one of the very few hatchery supported streams in North Carolina that has a delayed harvest; Big Snowbird Creek. Sports Fishermen come from all over the country to take advantage of this golden opportunity.

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Every Fall we receive numerous phone calls from people who have questions about hiking during the hunting season. Throughout the fall, hunters are seeking deer, wild turkey, wild boar and bear in the forests of Western North Carolina. Visitors may notice trucks along the sides of the backcountry roads, surrounded by people dressed in camouflage and often, orange caps.

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Early Cemeteries

Early Cemeteries

Over the centuries humans have dealt with death in many different ways. Much can be learned from a visit to a graveyard. Death of a loved one, especially when it was unexpected, is always devastating and the engraving on the gravestones can teach us about the history and culture of an area. There are numerous cemeteries along the Lakeshore Trail, many just off the trail corridor by a few feet. Have you ever wondered why?

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Maple Springs Overlook

Maple Springs Overlook

Once again, it’s time for the autumn leaves to delight us with their beautiful colors and fragrance. Come to Graham County for some spectacular leaf color display. A little-known location for viewing the changing colors, as well as watching both the sun set and the moon rise, is called Maple Springs Overlook.

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Fireflies In The Forest

Fireflies In The Forest

Fireflies in early summer can create memories that last a lifetime. Graham County, North Carolina, is the home of two very special species of firefly; the Synchronous firefly (Plotinus Carolinas) and the Blue Ghost Firefly (Pauses reticulate).

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